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Azure Site Recovery (ASR) Overview and Its Role in Website Disaster Recovery

a) What is Azure Site Recovery?


Azure Site Recovery is a Microsoft Azure service designed to protect and recover applications and data during a disaster or outage. It provides a comprehensive solution for business continuity, enabling enterprises to replicate and recover virtualized workloads, including virtual machines, physical servers, and Azure managed services.

b) What is the role of Azure Site Recovery?

Azure Site Recovery replicates critical components like virtual machines, databases, and data from an organization’s main data center or hosting environment to Microsoft Azure. It establishes a replication policy, ensuring continuous replication and keeping Azure-based replicas in sync with changes in the primary environment.

In case of a disaster or outage, it enables an automatic failover process, coordinating the recovery of website resources in Azure based on a predefined recovery plan. This approach minimizes downtime and data loss, making it ideal for ensuring website availability during an unexpected outage or disaster.

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