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Comprehensive Guide to Hyper-V Networking Setup: A How-To

Hyper-V vSwitch is a Layer 2 Ethernet network traffic switch that enables administrators to connect virtual machines to physical or virtual networks, providing enhanced security and resource tracking features.

a) How do I set up networking with Hyper-V ?

1. First, select Virtual Switch Manager in the right panel of Hyper-V Manager.


2. Then, it will display the three available vSwitch types for you to choose from.

  • External vSwitch: Connects the physical NIC of a Hyper-V host to the virtual NIC, enabling virtual machines to access both the physical network and the internet.
  • Internal vSwitch: Recommended for creating independent virtual networks to connect virtual machines to each other and the hypervisor.
  • Private vSwitch: Creates a virtual network, allowing connected virtual machines to see each other but not the Hyper-V host, effectively isolating the virtual machines in the sandbox.

3. After that, select External, and then click Create Virtual Switch to enter the vSwitch settings into a table.

  • Name: Identify the vSwitch.
  • Notes: Typically provide friendly descriptions to ensure easy comprehension.
  • Connection Type: As mentioned, external, and select the physical network card on my server.

4. Finally, click OK.

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