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Guide to Establishing Agent Status-Triggered Events in Smarter Track Live Chat

Smarter Track’s event-driven architecture allows system administrators, managers, and agents to receive notifications when system events occur, like when an agent’s live chat activity group status changes, enabling efficient communication and collaboration.

a) How do I create an event that sends an email when an agent status is changed in Smarter Track ?

1. First, log in to Smarter Track management as an administrator.

2. Then, click the menu icon and select “Settings” from the drop-down menu.

3. After that, click on “Events” under the “Configuration” heading.

4. Next, make sure the Global tab is selected.

5. Then, click the New button in the content pane toolbar to create the New Event pattern.

6. After that, enter the name of the event in the name field.

7. Next, select the activity group from the list in the category field.

8. Then, select Agent Status Changed for Live Chat in the Type field.

9. After that, click OK to open the condition and action settings for the new event.

10. Next, click on the “Conditions” tab and select the “Status” checkbox.

11. Then, select the state that will cause the event to fire.

12. After that, click on the “Actions” tab.

13. Next, click Add Action.

14. Then, select Send email from the list of action fields.

15. After that, fill in the appropriate fields.

16. Finally, click Save.

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