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Exploring KVM Virtualization: A Comprehensive Overview

a) What is Virtualization ?


Virtualization is the management of a single resource in a system such as RAM or CPU as multiple resources. There are two main types: containers and virtual machines. Containers share host resources, while virtual machines virtualize the entire machine.

b) What is KVM ?

Kernel-based Virtual Machine (KVM) is a fully independent server virtualization solution that allows for increased resource usage, isolation, and customization compared to containers.

c) What makes KVM VPS different?

Container-based virtual private servers (VPS) share physical hardware, resulting in limited configuration and performance. KVM technology ensures that the resources of each VPS are independent, improving performance and stability. This allows for more functionality on the VPS, such as:

  • Use the latest Linux kernel.
  • Use application containers, like Docker and Kubernetes.
  • Install a VPN, such as PPTP or OpenVPN.
  • Change network interface parameters (IPv4/IPv6).
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