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Sucuri Cache Mastery: A Guide to Enabling Caching Modes

Sucuri CDN enhances website speed by an average of 60% by automatically caching content on your website.

a) How do I enable caching modes in Sucuri firewall protection ?

1. First, log into Sucuri Firewall and go to Performance under Sucuri Firewall Settings to select a caching level.

2. Next, there are four options to choose from: Enabled, Minimal Caching, Site Caching, and Disabled.

  • Enabled (recommended): Enabled (default option) will cache pages and redirects for 180 minutes and 404 cache for 4 minutes for optimal site performance. If login functionality is present, sessions may also be cached, causing Customer B to only see Customer A’s account information.
  • Minimal caching (only a few minutes): Minimal caching optimizes website updates by caching pages for 8 minutes, redirecting for 15 minutes, and 404s for 2 minutes, making it ideal for newspapers or blogs.
  • Site caching (using site headers): Site caching is a feature that prevents logged-in users from consuming page content, with redirects lasting 3 hours and 404s lasting 4 minutes. It is ideal for custom CMS, forums, or e-commerce stores, as it respects cache headers.
  • Disabled (use with caution): Disabling cache for logged-in users may cause temporary redirects and 404 errors, but it may slow down your site. If your application does not send a “no cache” header, it may cache your page content.

Note: Sucuri Firewall caches static files like images,.swf,.css,.js,.pdf,.txt,.mp3,.mp4, and fonts, following web server instructions for XXX seconds.


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