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Proxmox Backup Mastery: A Comprehensive Guide

Data management relies heavily on data backups, which safeguard against various threats such as human error, hardware failure, virus attacks, power outages, and natural disasters, saving time and money.

a) How do I create backups in Proxmox?

1. First, enter the proxmox-backup-client backup root.pxar : / –repository backup-server:store1 command to back up all files in the / directory.

Note: The proxmox-backup-client does not automatically include mount points, but you can create separate file archives for each mounted disk using the –include-dev option, which can be used multiple times for each included mount point.

2. You can enter the export PBS_REPOSITORY=backup-server:store1 command to back up all files to avoid having to enter the value.

3. You can also enter proxmox-backup-client backup disk1.pxar:/mnt/disk1 disk2.pxar :/mnt/disk2 backs up the two mounted disks.

4. You can enter the proxmox-backup-client backup disk1.pxar:/mnt/disk1 disk2.pxar: /mnt/disk2 –ns a/b/c command to use the namespace for the backup target.

5. You can also enter the proxmox-backup-client backup mydata.img: /dev/mylvm/mydata command to create a backup of the blocked device.

b) How do I exclude files and directories from a backup?

1. You can recursively exclude and list the contents of a directory using ls -aR folder, cat folder/.pxarexinclude, and cat folder/subfolder0/.pxarexinclude.

2. You can also use the ls -aR restored command to restore, list, and exclude files and subfolders.

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