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Customizing Text Formats and Editors in Drupal: A Configuration Guide

a) How do I configure text formatting and editing in Drupal ?

1. First, go to Configuration, select Content Authoring, and click on Text formats and Editors (admin/config/content/formats) in the Manage administrative menu to access the Text Format and Editor page.

2. Then, click Configure for Basic HTML Text Format. A basic HTML page will appear.

3. Afterwards, note that CKEditor is selected in the Text Editor field. This allows you to configure the editor’s toolbar.

4. Next, drag the horizontal rule button from Available Buttons to Tools under the Active Toolbar and click the show group name link to access the Tools group name.


5. Then, note that you can change the filter processing order.

6. Next, in the Allow field under Filter Settings > Limit allowed HTML tags and correct bad HTML HTML tags, add <hr> to the existing content.


7. Finally, click on “Save Configuration” to return to the Text Format and Editor page and receive a message confirming the text format has been updated.


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