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Smarter Stats Edition Reversion Mastery: Transitioning to the Free Version

To switch to the free version of the installation, remove the license key and activation code from AppConfig.xml.

smarter stats

a) How do I convert a licensed version of Smarter Stats to the Free Edition ?

1. First, log in as an administrator.

2. Then, navigate to the Smarter Stats service installation folder in Window Explorer, which is typically located at C:\Program Files (x86)\SmarterTools\SmarterStats\MRS\App_Data\Configservice.

3. After that, back up the file AppConfig.xml.

4. Next, use Notepad to open the AppConfig.xml file.

5. Then, find and delete these lines:

  • <License Key></License Key>
  • <activate></activate>

6. Next, save the file and then close it.

7. Finally, stop and start the Smarter Stats service.

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