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Common Queries: Plesk FAQs, Part 12

a) Can I use the service provider view in Plesk Onyx 17.8 ?


The default view in Plesk Onyx 17.8 Web Host is the service provider view. Users can change views by clicking “Change View” in the lower left corner or by going to Tools & Settings > Plesk Appearance > Interface Management.

b) Does this only apply to commercial license owners ?


This is applicable to Plesk users with both commercial and trial licenses.

c) Why is the Power User view used by default in Plesk Onyx 17.8 Web Administration and Web Pro editions ?


Research indicates that Power User Mode is suitable for 75% of Plesk users, eliminating the need to select a specific UI view.

d) How do I add or remove package repositories ?


The remote repository feature is not yet available, but with root server access, it can be registered using package managers like Yum or Apt.

e) Why was my locked package updated ?


The System Update Tool checks for locked packages and warns users if they are required by other updated packages. However, in rare cases, such as when the update has different dependencies than the installed package, this may still occur.

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