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Advanced Techniques: Setting Up Incoming Gateways and Sender Verification in Smarter Mail

Sender Verification Shield is a tool used to verify a sender’s email address’s validity using SPF, DKIM, and DMARC. However, large Smarter Mail installations often use incoming gateways to facilitate message flow, potentially confusing sender verification results.

a) How do I turn on or off sender verification in Smarter Mail?

1. First, log in as an administrator.

2. Then, select the “Manage” tab.

3. After that, select Domain Defaults.

4. Next, toggle “Enable Sender Verification” to enable or disable it on the email card.

5. Finally, save the changes.

b) How do I add Gateway IP(s) to the IP Bypass in Smarter Mail?

1. First, log in as an administrator.

2. Then, select the Settings tab.

3. After that, select Antispam.

4. Next, select the “IP Bypasses” tab.

5. Then, click the New button.

6. After that, add the IPs you want to bypass.

7. Finally, click Save to bypass the IP entirely without adjusting the bypass setting.

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