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Advanced Techniques: Domain Relocation within Smarter Mail Server

System administrators may need to relocate a domain to a different server location if the C:\ drive fills up too quickly, as the domain currently exists on the C:\ drive.

a) How do I move a domain to a different hard drive on the same server in Smarter Mail ?

1. First, stop the Smarter Mail service.

2. Then, move the Smarter Mail domain folder from the old drive to the new drive, which is typically located in C:\SmarterMail\Domains.

3. After that, open domains.json in a text editor, which is typically located at C:\Program Files (x86)\SmarterTools\SmarterMail\Service\Settings domains.json.

4. Next, find the domains you want to move and edit their data_path to reflect the new paths for these domains.

5. Finally, restart the Smarter Mail service.

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