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Google Workspace: Common Questions and Answers, Part 4

a) How does Gmail work in Google Workspace ?

Google Workspace

Google Workspace offers various tailored plans, including Gmail for personal use, Gmail Workspace personal and business accounts, and upgrades like increased storage, custom email addresses, and professional email layouts, to help individuals, teams, and businesses stay in control.

b) Can a user have multiple email addresses ?

Google Workspace

Users can create multiple email addresses by creating email aliases, with a maximum of 30 aliases per user.

c) Can I migrate my existing email to Google Workspace ?

Google Workspace

The Google Workspace Migration Tool is capable of importing legacy emails from various email systems, like Microsoft®, IBM® Notes®, and others.

d) Can I create a group calendar ?

Google Workspace

A calendar can be created for all users within your organization, such as a group calendar for team vacations and regular meetings.

e) Can I migrate and sync all my calendars ?

Google Workspace

Calendar migration options are available for various calendars, including Microsoft and IBM. Tools for migrating data to Google Workspace are available, and the Calendar Interop Tool allows Microsoft Exchange and Google Calendar to work together. Options for syncing Google Calendar and IBM Notes are also available.

f) Does the calendar have event reminders ?

Google Workspace

Calendar automatically displays a pop-up reminder 10 minutes before an event, which can be adjusted in your calendar settings.

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