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Customizing Content Entry Forms in Drupal: A Step-by-Step Guide

a) How do I change the content entry form in Drupal ?

1. First, go to Content, select Add Content, and click Recipe (node/add/recipe) in the Manage administrative menu to view the content input form for default settings. The instructions require entering ingredients individually rather than using a compact format.

2. Then, navigate to Structure and select Content Types in the Manage administrative menu (Admin/Structure/Types).

3. After that, select “Manage Form Display” from the “Recipecontent type drop-down button, and the manage form display page will appear.


4. Next, choose AutoComplete (Label Style) from the widget column of the Ingredients field.

4. Then, click Save.

5. Next, navigate to Content, select Add Content, and click Recipe in the Manage administrative menu (Node/Add/Recipes) to verify the changed behavior of the content form. The ingredients field is now a text field that accepts multiple values.


6. Finally, create two recipe content items for “Green Salad” and “Fresh Carrots” with all fields having values, including images, ingredients, and submitted by.

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