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Sucuri Firewall Geo-Protection: A Step-by-Step Blocking Guide

Sucuri Firewall allows you to restrict IP addresses from accessing your site through POST, preventing them from registering for an account, submitting comments, or attempting to log in, essentially implementing a read-only mode.

a) How do I block countries in the Sucuri firewall ?

1. First, log in to Sucuri Firewall Protection.

2. Then, go to the Advanced Security Options settings.

3. Finally, click the checkbox next to the Block anonymous proxies and top three attacking countries option to Save Advanced Security Options.

Sucuri Firewall

b) How do I geo-block the Sucuri Firewall ?

Sucuri Firewall allows you to control which countries access or interact with your website through geo-blocking settings. Visitors from “View” countries cannot access your site, while “Post” countries can only view content but cannot post, register, buy, or comment.

Notes: Our intellectual property database is regularly updated, but ownership changes daily. Although the geo-blocking feature’s accuracy is high, it’s not foolproof.

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