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Incorporating a Page into Drupal Navigation: Step-by-Step Guide

a) How do I add a page to Drupal’s navigation ?

1. First, navigate to Content (Admin/Content) in the Manage administrative menu.

2. Then, find the About page and click on the Edit button in the row.


3. After that, click on “Menu Settings” on the right to expand it.

4. Next, check “Provide a menu link” to display the menu options.

5. Then, enter the values from the following table:

Field name Explanation Example value
Menu link title The menu title will be displayed. About
Description The text that will be displayed when a visitor hovers over the link History of the market
Parent item The page’s position in the menu hierarchy can be adjusted by selecting a different item as the parent menu item, resulting in a multi-level menu hierarchy where the page is displayed at the highest level. <Main navigation>
Weight The menu’s order is determined by the weight of the items on the menu. -2


6. Finally, click Save and Keep Published to save your changes. Click Home or Return to Site Navigation to view the results.


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