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Enhancing Navigation: How to Generate Links to Individual Replies in Smarter Track Threads

A centralized location for interacting with end users and customers is crucial for businesses. Brand portals should include a customer community area, integrating traditional forum functionality with additional features. This allows users and agents to post comments, ask questions, and provide feedback. Users can also link to specific replies on community threads for easier communication.

a) How do I get a permalink for a specific reply on a community thread ?

1. First, log into your agency or end-user account on the Brand Portal.

2. Then, click on the Community button.

3. After that, navigate to the existing thread and find the reply you want to quote.

4. Next, right-click on the timestamp at the top of the reply and select “Copy link address” from the context menu or copy the URL in your browser’s address bar.

5. Finally, copying a URL allows you to paste it into a community reply, email, chat, or other reference link. When opened in a browser, the interface will scroll to specific replies in the community thread.

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