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Creating a Content Type in Drupal: Step-by-Step Guide

a) How do I add content types in Drupal ?

1. First, navigate to Structure and select Content Types from the Manage administrative menu (Admin/Structure/Types) to access all available content types.

2. Then, click the “Add content type” button and navigate to the “Add content type” page to fill in the provided fields.

Field name Explanation Example value
Name Name of the content type Vendor
Description Explain the purpose of content types Information about a vendor


3. After that, configure the form for content creation and editing under “Submission Form Settings” and fill in the provided fields.

Field name Explanation Example value
Title field label The title field label appears when editing or creating this type of content. Vendor name
Preview before submitting Option to decide whether to preview the content before submitting it. Optional
Explanation or submission guidelines Instructions for creating or editing content (Leave blank)


4. Next, select the default options under “Publish options” and fill in the provided fields.

Field name Explanation Example value
Published Make content items public by default. Checked
Promoted to front page This setting can be utilized on the default site to display content on the home page. Unchecked
Sticky at top of lists This setting can be utilized on the default site to maintain the content at the top of the list. Unchecked
Create new revision A new revision is generated every time a supplier is edited. Checked

Note: The changes made to these settings will not impact the existing content items.


5. Then, select the display settings and enter the author and publication date to ensure visibility in the content item. Fill in the fields as shown below.

Field name Explanation Example value
Display author and date information The author’s username and publication date should be displayed on each vendor page. Unchecked


6. After that, under Menu Settings, fill in the fields as shown below.

Field name Explanation Example value
Available menus The supplier doesn’t need to appear in the menu, so uncheck all options to create a suitable content option. Unchecked


7. Next, click Save and Manage Fields to save the content type, then navigate to the Manage Fields page to add fields to the content type.


8. Finally, follow the same steps to create a content type for the recipe.

Field name Example value
Name Recipe
Description A recipe submitted by a vendor
Submission form settings-Title Recipe name
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