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Advanced Techniques: Rectifying and Improving User Disk Space Information in Smarter Mail Reports

Smarter Mail reports can sometimes contain incorrect disk space utilization values, causing notifications to users despite their disk space being within their allocated limit.

a) How do I identify incorrect disk space reporting in Smarter Mail?

1. First, go to C:\SmarterMail\Domains\\Users\User1\Mail by default to access the user’s Mail folder on the server.

2. Then, right-click on it and select Properties.

3. Finally, the disk size will be displayed in the folder’s properties window.

b) How do I correct the disk size for the user’s Mail folder in Smarter Mail?

1. First, log in as an administrator to the Smarter Mail Windows server and open Task Manager to monitor MailService.exe during service restarts.

2. Then, open the Windows Services Console (Start>Run>Services.msc), locate the service, right-click it, and select Stop.

3. Afterwards, monitor Task Manager until MailService.exe is removed from the list to confirm that it has completely exited.

4. Next, return to the user’s mail folder.

5. Then, find the root.cfg file in the folder and delete it.

6. After that, navigate back to the Windows Services Console, right-click on the service again, and select Start.

7. Finally, check Task Manager and ensure the mail service has started properly.

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