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Customizing Email Management: A Guide to Email Filters in cPanel

Email filters in cPanel allow users to create rules to block unwanted emails based on specific rules. These filters can be user- or account-level and can be used to block messages containing specific words or programs. Multiple rules can be specified in a filter.

a) How to create a user-level filter in cPanel email

1. Log into cPanel and navigate to the Email section to select Email Filters tool or search for the Email Filters tool in the search bar.


2. Then, it will then display a list of domain-associated emails. Click on the “Manage Filters” link button corresponding to the email you wish to filter to create a filter for an email.

3. After that, click on the “Create New Filter” button and navigate to the new filter creation interface to create a new filter.

4. Next, name the filter and select a rule. Add or delete rules by clicking Add (+) or Minus (). Choose between “and” or “or” rules to filter messages.

5. Then, select an action for messages delivered to the filter rule, add additional rules by clicking the Add (+) button or delete a rule by clicking Minus ().

6. Finally, click the “Create” button to create the filter.

b) How to edit or delete a user-level filter in cPanel

1. Log into cPanel and navigate to the Email section to select Email Filters tool or search for the Email Filters tool in the search bar to edit or delete a user-level filter.

2. Then, select the email from the current filters that you wish to edit or delete.

3. To edit an email filter, click on the “Edit Link” and navigate to the same interface as when creating the filter. Then, click the Save button to save the email filter.

4. To Delete an email filter, click the “Delete” link and confirm your decision before proceeding. Then, click the Delete button to remove the email filter.

c) How to test an email filter in cPanel

1. Log into cPanel and navigate to the Email section to select Email Filters tool or search for the Email Filters tool in the search bar to test an email filter.

2. Then, click the Manage link button in the Email Filters section for the email address you want to test.

3. After that, navigate to the “Filter Test” section and input the email with its title and subject in the “Filter Email” text field.

4. Finally, click the Test Filter button to generate a comprehensive report on how the filter responded to your emails.

d) How to create and manage a global email filter in cPanel

1. Log into cPanel and navigate to the Email section to select Email Filters tool or search for the Global Email Filters tool in the search bar to create and manage a global email filter.

2. The process of creating, managing and testing global email filters is similar to user-level filtering, but with the difference that management doesn’t involve selecting a list of emails but rather a list of all global email filters.

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