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Deleting an FTP Account: Step-by-Step Guide

File Transfer Protocol is a set of guidelines for sending files between computer systems via the Internet, used by businesses for data transfer and websites for uploading and receiving files from hosting servers.

a) How do I remove an FTP account in Plesk ?

1. First, log into your Plesk control panel.

2. Then, click on the “Websites & Domains” tab on the left navigation bar of the page.


3. After that, select the domain for which you wish to change the FTP account password.

4. Next, click on your domain name or select “Show more” to expand your action.


5. Then, click “FTP Access” to go to the next page.


6. After that, check the FTP account you want to delete.


7. Finally, click “Yes” to confirm deleting the FTP account, as once deleted, it cannot be recovered.


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