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Comprehensive Guide to Smarter Stats SiteConfig.xml Retrieval: A How-To

The SiteConfig.xml file can become corrupted and appear empty in Notepad due to simultaneous access by SmarterStats and antivirus software. However, it can be restored from multiple backup files, labeled SiteConfig.xml.b00 through SiteConfig.xml.b06.

a) How do I recover a SmarterStats SiteConfig.xml file ?

1. First, stop the SmarterStats service.

2. Then, navigate to the SmarterLogs directory.

Note: The SmarterLogs directory for a site with site ID 7 is typically located at c:\SmarterLogs\WebLogs\7.

3. Afterwards, delete or move the SiteConfig.xml file.

4. Next, rename the most recent backup file, like SiteConfig.xml.b06, to SiteConfig.xml.

5. Finally, start the SmarterStats service.

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