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Granting Permissions to a Role in Drupal: A Step-by-Step Guide

a) How do I assign permissions to roles in Drupal ?

1. First, go to People and select Roles (admin/people/roles) in the Manage administrative menu to access the roles page.

2. Then, click on Edit Permissions in the Vendor Role drop-down list, depending on the installed modules on the site, to access all available actions for the site, such as posting comments or administer blocks.

Note: Certain permissions may pose security risks. Be careful when assigning permissions to roles.

3. After that, select the checkboxes for the following permissions (listed by module):

Module Permission
Contact Use user’s personal contact forms
Filter Use the Restricted HTML text format
Node Recipe: Create new content
Node Recipe: Edit own content
Node Recipe: Delete own content
Node Vendor: Edit own content
Quick Edit Access in-place editing

4. Finally, click Save Permissions. You will receive a message that your changes have been saved.

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