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WordPress Backup Essentials: How to Secure Your Website

Backing up WordPress files is important to protect against human error, hardware failure, virus or cybercriminal attacks, power failures, and natural disasters. It also helps us save time and money if these failures occur.

a) WinSCP

1.Go to WinSCP website and download and install the latest WinSCP version on your computer device.

2.  Log in to the FTP server by entering the hostname, port number, username, and password, and then select the file protocol in WinSCP.


3. To sync files from a web host to your computer, click the “Synchronize” button. The remote directory will be set to the current FTP directory, and the local directory will be set to the local directory, allowing you to change it if needed.

4. To display a summary of the operation, click the “OK” button.

5. To complete synchronization, click the “OK”  button again.

b) FileZilla

1.Go to FileZilla website and download and install the latest FileZilla version on your computer device.

 2. Log in to the FTP server by entering the hostname, port number, username, and password in FileZilla.

3. Select the file, and then right-click and select “download” button to download and backup the file that you want.

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