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SharePoint Attachment Management: A Tutorial on Disabling Attachments

SharePoint utilizes lists for securely storing, organizing, and sharing information among team members, including employee, product, and issue details.

a) How do I attach a file to a SharePoint online list item ?

1. First, open it and click + New to add a new item to a modern SharePoint list.

2. Then, click the Attachment link to add the attachment to the SharePoint list item.


3. After that, click on the “Save” button to save the project with attachments.

Note: The SharePoint Online list can be easily expanded by adding multiple attachments.

After you save a list item, you can click it to view all SharePoint list item attachments.

4. In a classic SharePoint list, click + New Item to open the Add New Item page, then click the Attach File button in the SharePoint list ribbon.

5. After that, the browse option allows you to select a file to attach to a SharePoint list item, but only one file can be attached at a time.

6. Finally, click OK to attach the file to the SharePoint Online list item.

b) How do I disable attachments in the SharePoint list ?

1. First, navigate to the list settings page and click the gear icon, or select List->List Settings from the list.

2. Then, click “Advanced Settings” from “General Settings“.

3. After that, navigate to the Attachments section on the Advanced Settings page and select the Disabled radio button.

4. Next, click OK to proceed, and a confirmation message will appear.

Note: Clicking OK will result in the deletion of all SharePoint list attachments.

5. When trying to add an item to a SharePoint list by clicking New, the attachment controls are not visible.

c) How do I enable attachments in the SharePoint list ?

1. To enable attachments in a SharePoint Online list, navigate to the Attachments section in the advanced settings page and select Enabled or Add attachments column to default view.

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