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Enhancing Content with the In-Place Editor in Drupal: A How-To Guide

a) How do I edit using the in-place editor in Drupal ?

1. First, navigate to Content (admin/content) in the Manage administrative menu.

2. To edit a recently updated or created content item, it should appear at the top of the content list on the page. If not, use filters like type or title.

3. After that, find the About page and click on it.

To edit content in your browser, follow these steps after viewing the desired content in your browser.

4. Next, locate the desired section and activate Quick Edit mode using context links. Each editable field will appear in blue, and a hover dialog box will appear.


5. Then, click on the body text area, which supports a rich text editor, and the editing toolbar will appear in the hover dialog.

6. Then, add some information about the city’s markets. A save button will appear in the hover dialog, and the field outline will change color.


7. Once you’re satisfied with your edits, click “Save” in the hover dialog box, or click “x” to discard and confirm, and quick editing mode will be turned off.

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