How to do keyword research?

3 Ways to Reach your Wesbsite

If you don’t how does people find your website on the internet, there are only 3 ways it can work. These are  direct URL, search engines and referral. There are two channels on how people know about your website, the online and offline. But let’s dismiss the offline channel and focus on online for now. As mentioned, there are three methods that people can reach your website.

Loyal visitors and returning site visitors often use direct URL. These consists of people who have mostly know about your website. For the new visitors, your site is probably reached by those who have seen it at other sites. As in other sites are promoting your website or through some offline promotion method. So this is similar to the other method known as referral. They are referred by other websites that might be sharing some similar topic. It could be from a comment made by someone who included your URL in a forum or blog.

Natural Traffic from Search Engines

The last one is through search engines. If your site consists of visitors that come mostly from search engines, you’ve probably done a great deal of work for your SEO. SEO has to do a lot especially if you are in a competitive market. If you haven’t got any clue about what competitive market has to do with keywords, then it’s time for you to start understanding what keywords does your website holds. It is necessary to be successful to generate natural traffic from search engines.

Google Keywords Tool

Google Keywords Tool is one of the best place to start. If you are in the electronic gadget industry, then you might start to list down some potential keywords that you think visitors might search for at search engine. Google Keywords Tool gives you the result of  the number of searches per month based on a keyword. That way, you can tie up those keywords that are demanding to your website and start to generate more traffic.

If you’re not up for the SEO game, then you might want to get the paid traffic such as the Google Adwords. is currently offering FREE Google Adwords, click here to find out more: Free Google Adwords.