Building a landing page that works

A good website that helps to make good business starts from a good design and good content. Adding one important thing to that would be a landing page. You’ve heard it, you’ve seen it and you’ve come across to more than hundreds on your internet browser. It is what brings you from a place that lands on a page that you initially have interest in.

A landing page is probably what a visitor will see for the last time on a website if they decided to navigate away from it. So the first impression is ultimately important to create a powerful influence over how you want to lead them to visit your pages or move forward to buy your products. It all begins with them browsing with a particular keyword on search engine and found your site or advertisement appearing there.

A landing page’s ultimate objective is to convert visitors into clients, its about how to turn traffic into business. Most landing page comes in a form of sales letter, which is simple and direct to selling. Unlike the main page, a landing page has more focused aim to convert visitors to buying the products; it should be more call-to-action driven than any other pages.

To create a good landing page, one must also understand the psychology of the visitors by doing a market research with keywords. Knowing the right keywords at first will help a lot to filter the right type of visitors that will more likely to go through the traffic conversion. Keywords should be embedded into the actual content as well as the backend of meta tags, keywords, title and descriptions to help search engine to understand the nature of your business.

As you know now, a landing page can be the page that can truly make or break an online business. It should always be maintained if not improve over the course of keywords in search engines. For that to happen, it is crucial for any landing page to have a consistent uptime. When your page is down, the ranking for a particular keyword in search engine will drop in a tremendous way within days or hours, the site will also lose new visitors and gives bad impression to the loyal visitors.

All of this will take time to rebuild again unless one can have a consistent uptime. A consistent uptime is provided the web hosting provider of your website. Though not 100% a controllable factor as internet connection also plays a role, the choice of web hosting provider will determine how consistent a site’s uptime will be. To be more specific, one must have a reliable web hosting provider.

Try for web servers that are hosted by carrier neutral data centers and are fully powered by redundant systems with backup generators.