How to market your local business online?

Getting more people to your storefront used to be hard before the Internet, but not anymore. Through 4 steps you can get more localized traffic.

Step #1: Get into the local pack. When you perform a search for any localized term you’ll notice a map at the top and 3 localized listings. You want your business to be placed within there.

By setting up Google My Business you are likely to get placed in there. Just submit your business name, address, and phone number.

Step #2: Optimize for localized SEO. Under the local pack are organic listings, you can also be placed there.

Place localized keywords within your webpage. Make sure you also include your address, location and contact details on your website.

Once you do that ask your local chamber of commerce to mention your business. By getting localized links you will rank higher for local keywords.

Step #3: Increase your click through rate. Having a well-placed listing doesn’t ensure you will get traffic.

Generate more reviews so you can get more clicks. You can do this by asking your customers to leave reviews online.

Also, use schema markup so your listing stands out. If you are using WordPress the Yoast SEO plugin will automatically add schema markup.

Step #4: Don’t rely on Google. Use sites like Tripadvisor and Yelp to get more local traffic. Encourage reviews on these sites and do whatever you can to satisfy customers.

When someone leaves a bad review, take their feedback to heart and work on improving the experience for future customers.